

May 2020

This is the 2020 newsletter highlighting our recent trip to Bahir Dar Ethiopia. Our journey from England to Ethiopia is never without a twist or turn. We left England in the pouring rain and the threat of Corona virus on a 7-hour journey to Addis Ababa then a 40-minute flight to Bahir Dar. On boarding the plane in Addis Ababa to Bahir Dar, we had to do a quick U-turn as we were told that us and all our fellow passengers had been directed to the wrong aircraft, we did wonder where we would have ended up. Bahir Dar continues to grow and the divide between rich and poor is more apparent. Water is in very short supply with parts of the town having been without water for 3 weeks. The children are coming to school and asking for a drink. Fortunately, the Day Care Centre and the sister home is built on a natural spring which so far appears to have an endless supply. As we walk around the villages, we noticed that the locals especially the children were taking water from old watering holes, the waters here are filthy as it is used by the livestock as well. The petrol stations also have short supplies of fuel and the price of basic foods continues to rise is some cases by 50% on last year. Once again, a huge thank you for all the support you have given Ethiopiahope over the last 16 years, your support has changed and will continue to change the lives for many people and future generations. Ethiopiahope has never had any overheads and every penny collected supports the people in Bahir Dar.

For further information on the Bahir Dar Projects and how you can help please email Angela and Mike on khyber.king@btinternet.com

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Registered Charity No. 236803