

May 2020

Day Care and School The children in the Day Care Centre now number over 300 of which Ethiopiahope is sponsoring 32. The Day Care continues to be a great success as a fantastic start for so many children. Every day the children receive education, food and have fun. We also sponsor 32 children in school the education here is the best in the area. We fear the rising costs and hope we can keep our current sponsors so the children have a bright future. Porridge Club 35 Ladies come to the centre every day to receive food and education for their children, this is a prestart to day care. A big day every year is when we give the ladies new clothes for the children unfortunately this year, we were unable to distribute the clothes as the centre closed due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, we left the clothes all bagged up for distribution which we hope will happen soon.

For further information on the Bahir Dar Projects and how you can help please email Angela and Mike on khyber.king@btinternet.com

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Registered Charity No. 236803