

April 2019


We often get requests for help with medical care and we are happy to oblige as for many of the people cannot afford any kind of medical care. One of the local ladies Tigist always becomes ill on our arrival which is wearing a bit thin, we have in the past taken her for treatment.  This year we went to visit Tigist at her home as we had it

re-mudded last year, on our arrival we were greeted by her daughter who said that Tigest was ill.  We went inside her home and found her in bed with a high temperature.   We agreed to take her to the clinic by taxi. On arrival she had a thorough examination and blood test which concluded in a diagnosis of Liver and Kidney infection, Urine infection, Typhus and Bronchial Asthma, certainly not crying wolf this time.  From the clinic we went to the hospital for two

x-rays which backed up the bronchial asthma diagnosis.  Then back to the clinic for her to be put on a drip, the clinic does not store medical supplies so a further trip to the pharmacy for the medicines for the drip as well as the needles and syringes. Tigist was on the drip for a couple of hours and having made her way back to the Day Care Centre she looked much better. However, a further trip was then required back to the pharmacy to obtain more medicine including antibiotics.  The total cost of the treatment was £30 an amount Tigist could not afford, we can only imagine what would have happened to her had we not intervened.  Sister Terfatu said that she would keep an eye on her in case she needed anything else.  Hopefully next year we will find her fighting fit.

For further information on the Bahir Dar Projects and how you can help please email Angela and Mike on khyber.king@btinternet.com

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