

January 2007

Other Stories & Thanks

Over breakfast one morning Father Mebratu told a story about how the Sisters have to write a journal each month highlighting what they have spent their monthly allowance on. This report had to be written in English. The translation from Amharic into English is not always exact. Father was able to check every item off the journal but one item had him guessing ‘breast containers’. Following a conversation with the Sister, Father soon discovered that she had in fact purchased a new bra.

Out running one morning at 7.30am in 30°C of heat, Mike was suddenly aware of a ‘flip flop’ sound behind him. The sound getting louder and louder was soon at his shoulder. Looking down he saw a young child in a 1970’s style anorak complete with fur trimmed hood fully zipped and buttoned accompanied by a pair of dishevelled shorts, pink flip flops and a huge grin. Mike was soon aware that the child was now going past him and pulling further away.

Determined not to cause any embarrassment to him and his £100 running shoes, Mike gritted his teeth and increased his speed. By this time the flip flop sound was off into the distance and pulling away all the time. The issue was made worse as the child constantly looked back over his/her shoulder with an ever-increasing smile. The child eventually turned off onto a goat track to start a days work attending a herd of goats.

As for Mike he made it back in time for breakfast, a lie down and a major heart attack.

As they say in Ethiopia, "Asmasaggonallaw"… Thank you!

Angela and Mike

For further information on the Bahir Dar Projects and how you can help please email Angela and Mike on khyber.king@btinternet.com

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