

June 2010

Where your funding went this year..........

21 houses
4 land purchases
12 sewing machines and scissors
30 children to attend day care for the year
Student and school fees as mentioned above
20 boxes of biscuits for the day care centre
2 tins of oil for day care centre
114kg of Beans, 101kg of chick peas and 84kg of barley for the day care centre
400 kg of sugar for the day care centre
New water tank for the day care centre
Material to make school uniforms
Dictionaries for the students
One large mattress
Two metal beds and two mattresses
5 blankets
Material to make dresses
One barrel, cups and pots
Milk, half a litre a day for two of the porridge ladies
110kg of Tef for one lady
Visit to the eye clinic and medicine for one child

Help to buy supplies to set up a small shop

For further information on the Bahir Dar Projects and how you can help please email Angela and Mike on khyber.king@btinternet.com

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Registered Charity No. 236803