Future Support

The fund raising will continue this year for the next trip and your contributions and support would be appreciated. We reply on your support and always look for new initiatives to fund raise.  We also have several generous donations as monthly standing orders, which also helps us to plan more effectively.
Because of the cost of transporting goods we are being pushed towards raising more money and purchasing the required items in Ethiopia, which is good for the local economy and we will get more for the money. So through out the year we will continue to fund raise. 
This money will continue to go towards housing (rebuilding approximately £300-£650) and also schooling, we currently sponsor children in the day care centre, school and university we also help the people to learn a trade if we can.

Few things that are always needed........
Clothes – children and adult clothes
Football shirts always a winner with the children and the adults and also a complete football kit for the school 
Knitted hats and jumpers
Books – educational for example encyclopaedias, atlases and also story books (children 3-15yrs)
DVDs – children and also educational ones
Sewing items – needles, tape measures etc
Medical items – plasters, antiseptic creams, etc
Digital camera (secondhand)
Mobile phones
Laptops for the students (we will be able to load basic programmes for them)










For further information on the Bahir Dar Projects and how you can help please email Angela and Mike on khyber.king@btinternet.com

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Registered Charity No. 236803